What is data storytelling?

Creating a simple narrative is more effective than overwhelming your audience with content.

The key components to data storytelling are


A story that considers the people and process first and aims to simplify analytics


Transforming complex data into visualizations is more of an art than a science


Choosing the right visual is vital to either overcomplicating or simplifying your data.

As a consultant that has been in the BI industry, often times, I see so many overwhelming reports. They’re either filled with too many visuals or it takes me ages to understand what the report is trying to tell me.

Creating a report is more of an art than a science. Executives who are key decision makers need to be able to quickly glean from your dashboards.

As developers, we often times get too excited to showcase this complex calculation, but in reality, our stakeholders likely won’t use that metric.

So what should you be doing?

1. Landing Page needs to be directional and general

Your landing page to your dashboard should be generalized and directional. Imagine a very busy CEO of your company opening your report. The CEO wants to known directionally if the business is doing well or not. If it isn’t, then where should the CEO be focusing? This leads you to your next step.

2. Begin deep diving into your data.

Put yourself in the CEO’s shoes. If your data is showing that your sales is decreasing month to month, where should the CEO look next? Is it possibly that sales cycle is too long? Are your average deal sizes decreasing? Begin to slice and dice that data like a Michelin-star chef.

3. Data dump

So you’ve create several tabs to your report and your stakeholder generally knows the health of the business. I always recommend that you create a tab at the end of the report where it’s a straight data dump. If it’s a sales report, I recommend creating a tab that has all the deals or leads and just give free reign to your stakeholder by using filters or slicers and allow an Excel export.

Still stuck on your data story? Contact us at info@allstonyale.com or call us at 832-600-0659.

Let your data be your super power.


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